Game Development, Music Production and Epic Portraits.
Game Development
From Concept to retail release, our creative team of game developers are continuously working to produce new and innovative games for console, and pc based platforms.
Music Production
With more than 15 years of experience, 10th Voyage Studios offers full music production services including live instrumentals, songwriting, vocal coaching, album production and vocal recording. Our state of the art facility allows us to offer full editing, digital composition, audio cleanup & correction, engineering and ADR services, as well as sound supervision.
Epic Portraits
10th Voyage Studios' Award Winning Photographers and Digital Artists create unique and custom Epic Portraits in dynamic scenes for Entertainment, Sports, Business, and Personal Display. NOW BOOKING! Private photo sessions are now available by appointment. Please contact us via the form below.
Voice Over
Voice over and voice actor management services lead by team with over 40 years of management experience. Representing outstanding voice talent in all age ranges in motion picture, animation, video game and commercial productions.
Contact Us
Want to discuss a game development idea, music production or book a portrait session?Fill out this form and one of our studio representatives will reach out to you as soon as possible.Feel free to also call us directly at: 386-264-6100
© 2020 10th Voyage Studios. All rights reserved.
Tel: 386-264-6100
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